Friday, August 28, 2009

The Path Less Traveled

Tidy Rows Mark Our Way Home

We had just finished our first week of being in Korea and already we were battling falling into a rut. You know what I mean...same cereal, sitting in the same seat on the bus, same plans for after work. It's funny how quickly we become comfortable with the things that are easy, safe, and predictable. For Brian and I, moving to Korea had been in a sense a way of saying "enough" of that. It was time to do some growing and that would require a shift in our thinking.

Peppers Growing in a Community Garden

Change can often be initiated by ourselves, but sometimes it takes another person to step into our world and say " about doing something different?" On this particular day, our change instigator was a man named Frank. As we were preparing to head home after a long day of working in Brian's lab, our new friend entered into our ordinary day and made it extraordinary. How so? By introducing us to the path less traveled.

Passing By A Rice Paddy

That afternoon our world traveling, adventure loving friend shared with us a new way of looking at the ordinary task of simply going home. Even though it was hot and humid and the air-conditioned bus sounded good to me, we agreed to join him on his trek back to our apartment. Now as I look back over the pictures I took that muggy day, I am so glad that we did. Had we not done so, we would have missed out on seeing a community garden ripe with vegetables for harvest or our very first view of a rice paddy secretly tucked away in a place we never would have expected. It makes me wonder what other blessings I've missed out on throughout my life simply because I wasn't willing to change. Make my prayer "God, change me."
Modern High Rise Apartments Rising Out of the Rice Paddy


  1. Looks so beautiful over there! May you find many, many paths less traveled to enjoy. I love your writing, girl--thanks for filling us in on a little bit of your new world.

  2. Sandy!, I'd know that face anywhere. Looks like you've started quite an adventure. Would love to hear more. Stay in touch:
    (K. Geier Hoskins) :)
