Monday, August 24, 2009

GSIS...Built By God (and Hyundai)

After a few hours of sleep, it was time for these weary travelers to head off to school--morning had come so fast! One of the many brightly colored GSIS school buses came to pick us up at our apartment, and for the first time we saw Suwon in daylight. As we weaved our way through the sometimes narrow and bumpy neighborhood streets, we couldn't help but think "We weren't in Kansas anymore, Toto." Tall apartment complexes stacked next to each other were interspersed with small neighborhood markets, Korean barbecues, and the occasional street vendor. We were so anxious to see with our own eyes what we had only seen in brochures and a website up to this point. We were not disappointed, as the school more than exceeded our expectations.

Gyeonggi Suwon International School (GSIS) opened its doors to students for the first time on September 18, 2006. The school was founded as a partnership between the Gyeonggi Provincial Government, Suwon City, and Dr. Thomas J. Penland, Headmaster of Taejon Christian International School. It stands as a testimony to how God can use anyone and anything to accomplish His purposes. The school's mission is to provide a high quality international academic program to students that is guided by a Christian philosophy of education. An open Christian environment has been established on the campus, and children of all faiths are welcomed, as well as children from homes that do not practice religion.

Brian standing by the soccer field. Seen behind him on the left is the main building with a dormitory for boarding students on the right. At the end of the soccer field stands a four story state-of-the art sports complex (not shown).

As a private school, GSIS' tuition rate is steep, even by US standards. But there seems to be no shortage of parents willing and able to make that kind of sacrifice to offer their children a quality education. The first year it was open, GSIS offered grades PK-8 and it is slated to have its first commencement ceremony June 2011. Total enrollment stands at 525 students this year, with numbers to exceed 600 next year.

If you would like to take a more extensive look at the facilities, please go here. This is a very nice slide show that was put together by Joe Fambroe, one of the teachers here at GSIS. Until next time, enjoy the tour.

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